At the 2023 graduation exercise, Dinthill Florida Chapter presented its inaugural Merit Scholarship to the promising 2023 graduate, Andrene Gordon. This scholarship covers two years of her 3-Year Bachelor of Science in Economics program at The University of the West Indies, Mona Campus. This monumental initiative was made possible through the benevolence of Alumnus Clayton Todd, underscoring the commitment of our community to educational excellence.”

The association also handed out monetary awards to students with the Highest Average 2022-2023:

Sixth Form
Andrene Gordon

Andrene Gordon receiving scholarship check from Barry Nugent, PR Director from Florida Chapter

Andrene Gordon receiving Scholarship check from Barry Nugent, PR Director from Florida Chapter

The scholarship, valued at JA$650,766, reflects the chapter’s dedication to fostering the educational pursuits of its alumni. Andrene Gordon, the deserving recipient, is poised to embark on a transformative journey, thanks to the unwavering support of Clayton Todd and the Dinthill Florida Chapter.

Grade Eleven Andrea Thomas

Andrea Thomas receiving bursary check from Barry Nugent, PR Director from Florida Chapter

The ceremony further saw the recognition of academic prowess with monetary awards for students with the Highest Average in the academic year 2022-2023. Notable recipients included Andrene Gordon and Jaymar Lyons from the Sixth Form, and Andrea Thomas and Javier Blake from Grade Eleven. The Dinthill Florida Chapter, represented by Barry Nugent, PR Director, presented these bursary checks, symbolizing the chapter’s commitment to nurturing and celebrating scholastic achievements.

Javier Blake

Javier Blake receiving bursary check from Barry Nugent, PR Director from Florida Chapter

Highlighting a holistic commitment to education and community development, the Dinthill Florida Chapter also made significant contributions to the Sports Department under the leadership of Derrick. These donations further underscore the chapter’s dedication to fostering excellence in both academic and athletic pursuits.

The Scholarship and bursaries awards at the Graduation Ceremony was not just a moment of recognition; it was a testament to the Dinthill spirit of community, support, and empowerment. As the chapter continues to invest in the educational journeys of the student population, it also reinforces its commitment to the holistic development of every individual. Congratulations to all the deserving awardees, and may their achievements inspire many more success stories in the future!”

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